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PANORAMIX - Providing risk assessments of complex real-life mixtures for the protection of Europe’s citizens and the environment

Funded by: EU

Funding period: 2021 - 2025

Coordinator: Technical University Denmark (DTU), Denmark

Press information or website: not yet available

EU information:

Aim: To develop and apply non-animal methods and strategies for evaluating combination effects of relevant, "naturally" occurring chemical mixtures on humans. To this end, samples from the environment, food, and human blood samples will be analyzed for toxic effects using robust test methods to identify particularly hazardous substances and substance combinations and to support data for feasible and effective protection of the public from combination effects.

3R Relevance: Strategies to protect the public from combinatorial exposure to chemicals are currently under development. While it is impossible to test all of these in animal studies due to the large number of possible combinations, this does not apply to individual, potentially highly relevant mixtures. The development of strategies and the application of new alternative test methods could at least reduce these animal tests and increase the acceptance of the methods used (also for testing single substances).


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